Last night, I had a dream in which these giant pastel colored Cheerios on pedestals were breaking through the sky, which was already crumbling violently. As the last crumb of sky was shaken out, a loud voice boomed from the heavens that in the year 2014, Google would not have enough digits to stay up and would fall into the apocalypse. It declared the same terrible fate to Google in 2015, and also 2016. Then it started yelling about a place called Groogle and donuts.  An ear-piercing laugh rang through the land as flying water heaters zipped around. And I woke, screaming.

As I write this, I realize that the dream was more humorous then scary, but at 3 AM, it was terrifying. 

I am probably spending too much time in cyberspace if I'm having nightmares about search engines.

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